Thursday, September 29, 2011

Got stress?

Is it Friday yet? I honestly can say that I have never been more ready for the weekend. A chance to relax...DE-STRESS! Lord, knows I need it, and maybe some wine, too! Since returning from our trip to Kansas, things have been INSANE! My kiddos returned to school...I love them, but thought, "YAY! Finally, I can have some quiet time!" Boy, was I sooooooo wrong. My days have consisted of work, church, Orange Group, soccer, cheer, play rehearsals, club meetings, Cub Scouts, music gigs, doctor's appointments, and let's not forget my personal fav...finding time to clean my house! I feel like I am getting my ass handed to me. As I write this, I have four hundred other things I should be doing. However, I had to take a moment to vent. My sanity depends on it.

I know most parents have a schedule similar to mine, but I am exhausted. I simply can't keep up! Maybe, it's my Bi-polar that's got me down, or could it be us parents take on too much? I want to know how other moms seem to breeze through all of this, and still manage to make time to volunteer to do more! Are these people super-humans? If any of my readers have any advice...I'd gladly take it. I need to know that I'm not the only person that feels overwhelmed. What are some of the things you do to make juggling a schedule like this easier? I have a planner. Trust me, I use it...she screams at me daily! LOL! However, even using it...I still forget to add certain things. Take yesterday for example. I got a call from my doctor's office reminding me of an appointment I have on Friday at one for a procedure. No biggie, right? Well, except for the fact that I forgot to write it down, (I blame my A.D.D. brain), and guess what? I'm supposed to work until three! I totally forgot about the appointment, and didn't ask off. Fortunately, I don't have to go in to work tomorrow. WHEW! I'm grateful my job is so flexible! 
I get exhausted just thinking about our crazy schedule. I don't want to think I just took on too much, but I feel like I'm always so stressed out! So, maybe I have. Here's the deal...I know everyone "suffers" from brief moments of stress and anxiety, but me...I live in a constant state of stress. There is no amount of medication that I could take that would change this. LOL! I create it. Now, I just have to figure out how to manage it, and quit being so damn hard on myself! I know God never gives us more than we can handle, but I really wish He didn't trust me so much! PLEASE feel free to leave a comment! I could seriously use some advice here people! =)


  1. Just last week I showed up for a dental appt. for the kids in Wichita at 7:30 AM!!! I was so proud, b/c I was on time and there was no screaming getting into the cold car at 6:30. Guess what? I showed up a week early. damnit. I always do that shit. So, I came home. Made a giant calendar on my wall and started the Fly Lady's baby steps program. I totally feel this way, too. Like I can't even stay on top of my daily life. I guess it takes practice or wine ;)

  2. LOL!! At least you were early!! =) I absolutely LOVE that site you suggested!! It's EXACTLY what I need...and I love what FLY stands for! Finally Loving Yourself! Thanks so much for the tip! I'm sucked in for sure!
